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But! You can secure a bag from an iconic label for a couple of hundred bucks (not chump change exactly but still a pretty friendly entry point when talking about designer accessories).
Depending on your vibe (or various vibe shifts), affordable designer bags range from sleek and minimal wardrobe essentials to colorful and embellished accents.
Like with fine and demi-fine jewelry, there's also the question of what brand to invest your coins in.
People ask whether Coach is designer-yes!-and brands like Rebecca Minkoff, Michael Kors, Tory Burch, and Kate Spade consistently deliver gorgeous designs in the mid price range.
The great news? You can score a bag from these labels for less than $1,000.
They're usually smaller in size or crafted from less precious materials like raffia (a dream for summer) or rubber (take that, rain).
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What Teams Can I Bet on in Oklahoma?
Once the state authorizes domestic sports wagering their minimum sports gambling age may conflict with the age set by offshore bookies.
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