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Introduction The global pandemic of Covid-19 at the start of the year 2020 leaves a significant impact on everything and everyone. This outbreak shakes the world and shifts the dynamics of e-commerce and online shopping. The enforcement of lockdown and social distancing lead the world to buy products online. One of the most pressing issues faced today is fraud regarding customers' opinions on online products or services relevant to a brand or an organization [1], [2]. The matter has become more sophisticated and organized due to the profit achieved by such pursuit. This phenomenon is called "Opinion Spamming" [3], [4]. Dissimilar to other spam, opinion spam are a tad hard to detect as understanding the context is important to detect the deceptiveness of a review. These reviews are posted by people who are inexperienced with the subject, which is why they are considered spam. Given the dynamic nature of the reviews, supervised learning techniques suffer from a few limitations. [2], [5], [6]. Not until the "quality" of the review is known, a garbage-in-garbage-out [7] situation can transpire. In a study, [7] it was accentuated by the researchers that fake or genuine reviews are hard to label by humans. This complicates the search for the ground truth for given instances accurately. Due to the versatile nature of these reviews and the lack of reliable data, according to the study [8], [9] methods were utilized to detect deceptive spam. Semi-Supervised techniques were used to improve classification [1], [7], [10]–[13]. Millions of people are delivering their ideas on social media on various products, services, and events. Along with that, social media also consists of billions of short informal texts that may include SMS, tweets, messages, emails reviews, etc. [10], [14]. This scenario has brought light upon the topic for researchers to look deep into Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, and Review Analysis because these reviews are potent on any business's survival and downfall. For this reason, it is essential to detect their genuineness. As the popularity of the social web increases, multiple users will keep on spreading various kinds of content almost which lacks any trustworthy external source implying that there is no way of authenticating the content being posted [3], [15], [16]. In the business section, this phenomenon affects an individual consumer and corrupts the confidence of a purchaser in online shopping. Identifying indicators of these fraudulent reviews based on the fraudster's behavior is also an essential task. Due to this, a few scholars have utilized the techniques of Data Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) [8], [16], [17] and other techniques such as data cleansing and database query processing to deal with raw data. However, these techniques did not efficiently solve the spam reviews problem. Lately, the reviewers have given plenty of new reviews every day. In this manner, information cleaning and repair will prompt flood in high business activity costs. As the genuineness cannot be identified, it will not be in our interest to approve the database query process that filters those spam. Given the extensive use of social media, intense competition arises in which there is a vital role of consumer reviews which has a great impact on the online marketplace [8], [11], [18]. For improved decision-making, people and organizations need to improve decision-making before purchasing any product [9], [19], [20]. Writing fraudulent comments is mostly done by professionals the establishments hire. These professionals are paid for which they post negative and positive comments on products or brands that are a major help in uplifting or defaming a targeted business [3]. However, these actions of a user could also end up being only a coincidence. One of the principal issues we are confronting today is detecting fake reviews and the extraction of genuine emotion in an opinion. According to American research, 80% of purchasing behavior depends on product feedback. The problem is to determine if the feedback given is genuine or fraudulent. A supervised learning technique is proposed by initially studying the nature of the dataset. We did a thorough analysis of different types of approaches that are working in the same domain. Furthermore, we proposed a technique that shows more remarkable results than state-of-the-art methodologies. Fake reviews are the most pressing issue in the present era. It is one of the most intense topics because it impacts the business world considerably. The gain and loss of businesses partially depend on the feedback, especially in the e-commerce domain. Therefore, it is vital to determine their authenticity by using Machine Learning techniques such as K- Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machine, and Logistic regression (SKL).In a recent study,mohawesh et.al. [21] presented a survey of existing models for fake reviews detection. According to this survey, SKL algorithms outperform the accuracy for the proposed problem. The Naive Bayes algorithm is one of the best classification algorithms of machine learning. However, the accuracy of the Naive Bayes algorithm for the detection of fake reviews is slightly less than SKL algorithms [21]. The proposed system includes the following modules; Relationship word count Machine Learning based text classification. The paper is arranged in sections as sections II covers literature review, the proposed methodology is explained in section III, section IV comprises design and implementation including results. A conclusion has been drawn in section V. SECTION II. Spam reviews are fictitious comments that are either machine-generated or user-generated. Both spams are challenging to identify. In recent years, with the increasing use of e-commerce online, there have been chances of fraudulent comments that play an essential role in defaming or uplifting a business. Due to the intense competition between organizations, it has become more sophisticated, and thus, many of them use the wrong approach to receive potential profit. Reviews on a product play a part in consumer decisions and build confidence in that particular product. However, they cannot be sure about the fallacy of these reviews. Spams can either be deceptive or destructive. Destructive spams are easier to identify by a typical customer since they are non-review and contain unrelated ads and messages unrelated to the product. The latter, however, may contain sentimental reviews that may be positive or negative and, thus, problematic. The existence of such reviews is crucial for the customer and the business. This concept, in other words, is also called "Opinion Mining." It is a technique in Natural Language Processing to figure out the public's mood regarding a specific product, service, or company. However, considering the deceptiveness of these reviews, these fake reviews are being used to promote a business or spread rumors and harm the reputation of competing businesses. Since the purchase decision is firmly motivated by the reviews or ratings, a study shows that work has been concluded in detecting these fraudulent reviews, but spammers' demeanor is constantly developing. Spammers have been discreetly designing these fake reviews to camouflage their malevolent intentions. Many businesses appoint professionals to write inappropriate positive and negative reviews for financial gains. These are fabricated reviews that are intentionally written to seem authentic. Deceptive spam review is harmful to the repute of any product as it misleads the customer to make decisions. Somayeh et al. [19] came up with a lexical and syntactical feature technique using machine learning classifiers to detect spam or ham. The features include n-gram, Part of speech (POS) tagging, and LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count). They took deceptive reviews from Amazon.com and truthful reviews from TripAdvisor.com. Their results showed 81% accuracy with Naïve Bayes (NB) classification algorithm and 70% with Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) using lexical features. Moreover, using syntactic features gave 76% and 69% accuracy using the same classifiers. At the same time, their combination gave 84% and 74% with NB and SMO. However, the results did not exceed 85%-furthermore, Rajamohana et al. [22] proposed a methodology for detecting opinion spam using features detection. They proposed an approach that deals with selecting subset features from many feature sets for the classifier to separate spam or ham. The two approaches utilized are cuckoo search, and hybrid improved binary particle swarm optimization (iBPSO), Naïve Bayes, and KNN classifiers that are helping in the classification process. These two approaches have been compared, and a hybrid search achieved a comparatively higher accuracy measure. However, this approach is solely dependent on feature selection. Moreover, Catal and Guldan [23] came up with supervised and unsupervised techniques to know by sight the spam review. There is a significant chance that spam reviewer is responsible for the content pollution in social media as many users have multiple login IDs. The researchers tackled that problem and utilized the most productive feature sets to structure their model. Semantic analysis is also unified in the detection process. In addition, some standard classifiers are applied on labeled datasets, and for unlabeled datasets, clustering is used after desired attributes. They worked with both labeled and unlabeled data along with a unigram model and achieved 86% results. Ott et al. [24] proposed a model to identify fraudulent consumer reviews using multiple classifiers in online shopping. The selected classification techniques were majority voted libLinear, libSVM, minimal sequential optimization, random forest, and J48. Then the evaluation was compared with other models, SVM technique with 5-fold cross-validation to get 86% was accuracy. Rout et al. [3] explained that how semi-supervised classifiers are used to detect online spam reviews using a dataset of hotel reviews. Dissimilar to other different kinds of spam [1], [3] it is demanding to recognize an unreal opinion as it is needed to understand the contextual meaning to know the nature of the review. Supervised learning is conventionally used to detect fake reviews, but it also has some restrictions, such as assurance of the quality of reviews in the training dataset. Secondly, to train the classifier, it can be challenging to obtain the data because of the diverse nature of the online reviews. The limitations mentioned above can be overcome using a semi-supervised learning approach by unifying three new dimensions to the domain of the feature as in POS feature, Linguistic and Word Count Feature, and Sentimental Content features to get more significant results. A dataset of both positive and negative reviews has been used. They, however, achieved an 83% f-score. He et al. [25] introduced the rumors model and applied the text mining technique, and extracted three notable characteristics of the content of reviews such as noun/verb ratio, important attribute word, and a specific quantifier. TripAdvisor dataset was used, and results showed that the unique vocabulary, specific quantifiers, and nouns it contains, the more valuable and truthful the review is. Moreover, the results showed 71.4% F-measure, 60% accuracy, 86% recall, and a fake evaluation value of 0.016952338. Meaning, higher the fake evaluation value, the more fake a review is. Deceptive opinions are more fictitious but sound real. People are hired by many businesses to write unjustified reviews about the products which are undistinguishable by the people. Therefore, Ott et al. [24] performed a test that gave the accuracy of 57.33% of three human judges, which made this research even more valid, significant, and pithy. However, it is hard to define the semantic perspective from the data. Significant donations of the paper are; firstly, to understand the semantic better, a document level review is represented. Secondly, multiple syntax features are used to make a feature combination to improve performance. Thirdly, domain-independent and domain migration experiments verify the SWNN and feature combination performance. Further, in the domain of neural networks, Goswami et al. [26] proposed a feature set by observing the user's social interaction behavior to recognize reviewer hoaxes. They used a neural network to analyze the feature set and compare it with other contemporary feature set in detecting spam. Features include the number of friends, followers, and number of times a user has provided enough room to form a relationship between opinion spam and social interaction behavior. Aside from neural networks, most scholars focused on supervised learning techniques. Therefore, Brar and Sharma [16] proposed an approach that is used to analyze the review and reviewer-centric feature to detect fake reviews using the supervised learning technique. It provided comparatively better results than completely unsupervised learning techniques, mostly graph-based methods. A publically available large-scale and standard data set from a review site Yelp.com [27] has been considered here and has given more significant results. Furthermore, in the supervised learning domain, Elmurngi and Gherbi [20] analyzed the online reviews for movies using Sentiment Analysis (SA) methods and text classification for the sake of recognizing fake reviews. The scholars presented the classification of the movies review as positive or negative by using machine learning (ML) methods. The comparison between five individual ML classifiers, Naïve Bayes (NB), SVM, KNN- IBK, K*, and DT-J48, for sentiment analysis is made using two datasets that include movie review datasets V1.0 and movie review dataset V2.0. Some researchers also focused on different factors in determining fake reviews, such as Arjun Mukharjee et al. [5] pay attention to fake reviewers groups instead of individual reviews; therefore, they came up with the frequent itemset mining method to identify the groups. Furthermore, they built a labeled dataset of the reviewers' group. The results showed that their methodology outperformed the standard classification techniques using the Amazon dataset. In order to determine negative reviews on crowdsourcing platforms, Parisa et al. [18] observed the behavior of the reviews on these sites and observed the behavior of the reviews given. They indicated clues on the detection process of such manipulating reviews that are fake yet hiding in plain sight. However, this approach is risky because it relies on observations that may or may not be accurate. On the other hand, Shebuti Rayana et al. [4] mainly focused on two methodologies, SP Eagle and Fraud Eagle, and did a comparison using utilized clues from metadata (timestamps, text, and rating) and relational data (networks) and created a model for the detection of suspicious behavior, products, and the users by using Yelp.com [27] dataset. Moreover, they derived SP Eagle light from SP Eagle, which is more efficient in computation and it utilizes a minimum set of feature reviews for efficient computations. The primary purpose was to bridge the relational data and metadata to improve the track-down process. Atefeh et al. [28] advised a robust spam review detection system to investigate suspicious time intervals of the online reviewers using time series by pattern recognition technique where the results show it to be a better, easy, and more straightforward approach as it gives an F-score of 86% as compared to others [28]. Komal and Sumit [29] described opinion spam and portrayed how it is a genuine concern these days. Since fuzzy logic deals with real-life uncertainties, a novel solution based on fuzzy modeling is proposed. Four fuzzy logic input linguistic variables are considered, and the spammer group's suspicious level is termed as Ultra, Mega, Immense, Highly, Moderate, Slightly, and feebly. A novel algorithm has been used that utilizes 81 rules of fuzzy logic and fuzzy Ranking Evaluation Algorithm (FREA) to refract the extent of the spam's suspiciousness. The datasets are used to satisfy the 3 V's of Big Data; hence Hadoop is used for the storage and analysis. The proposed algorithm further demonstrated using sample review's data sets and amazon data sets, achieving an accuracy of 80.77%. S.P.Rajamohana et al. [22] came up with a feature selection technique that was effective. It is called a cuckoo search in junction with harmony search. In contrast, Naïve Bayes is used to categorizing spam or ham. Evolutionary algorithms are used for feature selection, which can handle the high spatiality of the feature removing irrelevant, noisy features and considering the excellent feature selection to increase the processing rate and predictive accuracy. Yuming lin et al. [17] dealt with the detection of fake reviews in review sequence. They observed the characteristics of fake reviews that depend on the contents of the reviewer's behavior. They also introduced six times more sensitive features that include modeling the review content, the similarity of reviews on content, the similarity of reviews on a product and other products, modeling the frequency of the reviews made by the reviewers, repeatability measures, and frequency of the review. As a result, the identification of spam reviews was orderly and in high precision. Muhammad et al. [15] investigated the performance of the rule-based machine learning technique, which is a learning classifier system (LCS), in semantic analysis of Twitter messages, movie reviews, and spam detection from SMS and email data sets. The results showed that the proposed methods smoothed the learning process and gave better results in the experiments. Furthermore, Hamza Al Najadah et al. [2] introduced a bagging-based approach to balance the imbalanced datasets than using supervised learning they have done the classification. Using datasets from Amazon Turk from the deceptive opinion spam corpus volume 1.4, their results showed better precision, recall, and accuracy than standard classifiers. Furthermore, Fusilier et al. [1] came up with the PU learning technique, which is a semi-supervised classification technique to cater to both types of deceptive reviews, positive and negative. The proposed methodology selecting negative features was a bit unprogressive, but the results showed an improvement of 8.2% and 1.6% over the original model. Most of the best researchers used supervised learning techniques alongside other different approaches and determined f-score almost close to 90%. However, our proposed technique was better than state-of-the-art techniques and showed better accuracy. Throughout this research, it has been observed that fake reviews are indeed hard to tackle. Many studies have been working on this topic, but no study has given a one hundred percent result. Even in the present era, many loopholes are not being addressed. We proposed a methodology using machine learning-based text classification that helped determine whether the given comments on a particular product/service are real or fake. Our SKL technique proved to be more robust than already existing methodologies in the same field and proved to be more accurate. The results prove that SKL based fake review provides 95% on Yelp dataset and 89.03% accuracy on TripAdvisor dataset compared to other state-of-the-art techniques. Since most of the researchers mainly focused on a complete supervised learning process. Therefore, in the future, we would like to study Positive-unlabeled (PU) learning techniques in depth, which is a semi-supervised learning approach. high quality imitation bagsbest replica designer bags
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