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According to a recent survey by brightlocal, 77% of online shoppers say they always or regularly read reviews before making a shopping decision. Even reviews that are bought and sold can easily get the "verified purchase" label. Here are a few ways they do that: Some brands give away products in exchange for a positive review. They find someone who agrees to leave a positive review and who will order the item from their Amazon account. Some brokers sell fake reviews to companies that, for $20, can get a "verified purchase" label and customer photos posted to the product's Amazon listing. Sellers can also send a request to people who purchase the item to leave a review from their seller's Amazon account. Using these tactics makes it nearly impossible for Amazon or regular shoppers to spot and report fake reviews. If you are going to make purchasing decisions based on reviews, you should try these tactics: Read the reasonably lengthy reviews. To its credit, Amazon has cracked down on fake reviews, deleting millions of comments and kicking some brands off its platform. replica bags

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